Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Back in the Saddle Again

Never fear, folks, I'm not done yet.

My trip to Las Vegas, my perpetual cold, my wacky sleeping pattern, and my general boredom with my exercise all conspired together into one week of inactivity. I was on the border line between quitting and continuing when my sister, La Primera, posted a response* in which she called me "an inspiration to us all". How could an inspiration like me just give up? I give people hope! I am the glorious sunrise following a moonless night. I am Obama pre-election. If not that, then--at the very least--I make people feel shitty about the fact that they're not doing anything to get their fat bodies in shape.

When it all comes down to it, that last point is what really keeps me going.

Not to mention the fact that I actually lost weight during my week off, I briefly tapped the 152 lbs line last week for a day or two, which put my overall weight loss at 10 lbs. Top that!

I finally mustered up enough motivation to work in two routines over the last few days. My plan is to proceed with my "transition week" as if I didn't skip any time at all...at least that's what I'm planning now. I'm mildly concerned that I'm going to lose all of my muscle strength since the transition week doesn't feature much weight training.

At this point, I'm trying to ignore worrying about progress or the minutia and I'm just trying to stay focused on continuing.

I've discovered that one of the things that keeps me consistent with sticking to these routines (or any diet/exercise I'm doing) is that I'm able to make a hobby out of it. When I came back from Vegas, it reawakened my interest in Poker and I've been playing a lot on line since I've been back.

It gets hard to work exercise into my schedule in the midst of 3-4 hour tournaments while dealing with the frustration of losing. My mindless tendency to enjoy a glass of scotch while I'm playing doesn't make things any easier. I have to make an effort to actually plan what I'm going to do each day. Last week I was perfectly satisfied to get off of work and start grinding the poker tables instead of thinking about what I was going to eat or cook or thinking about what workout routine I had scheduled that night (as I had been doing).

Latest Sharkscope Graph (note recent upswing)

I think I have a tendency to focus intensely on only one activity/hobby at a time and to generally ignore or disregard just about anything else that I might consider an annoyance or distraction...dishes start going unwashed, general shit starts piling up around my apartment. I guess the solution to that would be to make "general self improvement" as my constant, unchanging hobby--but I'm not that good at using something like that to trick myself into vacuuming. I am pretty good at justifying my behavior, though, no matter I do.

I need to remind myself of some other benefits of working out at home and eating healthy. It requires me to do a few other things...like the ricochet of a magic bullet.
  • If I need to make my own food, I need clean dishes/utensils available at all times. (dishes get done)
  • If i need space to work out on the floor and I have dirty clothes and empty water bottles all over the place, I need to get that shit picked up. (General clean up)
  • If I need clean underwear that doesn't smell like crotch sweat, I need to keep a good rotation of clean clothes. (I buy new underwear/do laundry regularly.)
Anyway, I'm trying to get back into it here. I've just got to get organizized.

*EDIT: Apparently, La Primera reserves such lofty praise for her younger brother only in private emails. I was confused...anyway, privacy be damned.

just to let you know, I posted some info on your new blog in response to your last entry, though it's actually in response to some things you wrote in your entries from a long time ago..
reading it makes me feel like a lazy butt.
: )
I feel compelled to write: "you are an inspiration to us all!"
sorry. couldn't help myself.

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