As I continue on with the p90x program, there's a good chance that my entries may become more sporadic. I apologize, but when one has achieved a fantastic harmonic balance, perfect inner peace tends to muzzle the cries of the Id. The longer I continue on and the more relaxed I can make my diet, the less likely I am to post. This isn't nearly as challenging as it was when I first started and my mental focus has shifted to maintaining my current form while making small, gradual improvements and trying my best to get 5-6 days of exercise in per week. No more worrying about extreme dieting techniques, insane quantities of protein, or anything else that makes these posts fun to read.
I've been hanging around 150-153lbs for the last week, which is about what I would expect a "muscular me" to weigh. Also, my body fat percentage has dropped to 15% (smack dab in the middle of the "normal" range) from the lower 20%'s . If I could get that number closer to 10 over the next two months I'll probably be close to my peak athletic form. I'm already in better overall shape than I ever was in high school, so everything from here on out is just an extra side of gravy.
I haven't had any trouble keeping up with my routines this week and the new DVD's for Phase 2 of the program are a welcome change. As part of this new phase, I'm allowed to increase carb consumption (though I haven't been tracking every calorie, I'm not eating shit carbs and am sticking to whole grains, etc) and I get new Chest/Shoulder/Triceps and Back/Biceps workouts.
The core synergistics disc that I did during the last transition week was a really great workout and it felt, more than any of this other stuff, like a smarter and more effective way of strengthening my abs and lower back. It involves exercises that use your entire core (abs/back/obliques) instead of focusing on a very specific muscle group. For some reason, this routine is restricted to transition weeks, and the next one of those won't be for three weeks. I may add the core synergistics in here and there as a replacement to the Kenpo kickboxing cardio routine or a break/stretch day.
OK, on to the photo dump. Here's what's been going on the last couple weeks.
Proof that I have, indeed, been sweating.
I bought a Dell Mini 10v Netbook to play with after I got my tax return this year. I was working on this during my no-activity post-Vegas week. Getting the Mac logo to show up was easy. Since Apple uses Intel processors now, dual booting a PC and Mac operating system is finally possible...as long as your hardware has the appropriate drivers in OSX (which the 10v does)
The real challenge was getting them both working together.
Upgrading the RAM from 1gb to 2gb required the complete disassembly of the netbook.
Kid-A, completely incompatible with Apple products.
Delicious chicken on the Foreman Grill.
Chicken, greens, and Budweiser Select 55
Kid-A's scowl says it all, "It won't get you drunk, but you'll feel like you're drinking." At $6.99 per twelver, I'd drink Tequiza if it had 55 calories...and didn't totally suck.
Hand-crafted, disturbing signed Gene Ween solo show poster by Jermaine Rogers from the concert I attended. I think I'll add some thick colored paper to the border...I should really start framing all of my Phish posters sometime too.
If you haven't checked out your local grocer's Yogurt selections lately, go. Now. This shit will blow your mind.
My ability not just to eat this meal, but to enjoy it, is why I'll never go hungry. I love how the tuna slurry melts into the bread.
The progress pictures. Picture furthest to the left is day 0, the furthest to the right is after 2 months.

4, 6, & 8 weeks in.

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