Monday, February 15, 2010

Another Weekend Down...

Due to a number of factors, I think I'll jam together my last Kenpo, Stretch, and Ap Ripper routines together after work tonight to finish up what I'm counting as my third week of p90x (technically my 5th week). I'll be starting on the final 7 day transition out of phase one and in to phase two tomorrow.

The transition will introduce a new "Core Synergistic" routine, which I assume works the abs and back, and a more thorough upper body workout...combined with regular stretching or yoga every other day.

They call it a "recovery week". They also mention that if you have shitty conditioning, it's not likely to feel like a recovery week at all. Between hockey and a couple extra phase one weeks, I'm expecting to be well prepared.

Since the yoga portion seems to be a big chunk of this transition, I'm going to try the Yoga-X disc again. Earlier I was turned off by the difficulty of the moves, the repetitiveness, and my terrible I guess we'll see if any of my training has gone in to making this any more tolerable.

I have yoga blocks now too, which should help.

The past week I started to get bored and annoyed with the program for the first time since I've started. I even missed my first day--stuffy sinuses weren't really much of an excuse--but I slept for 14 hours in the middle of the work-week all the same.

Hopefully, the transition, new routines, and change of pace will lift my spirits back up and get me motivated for the next two months...I just have to figure out how I'm going to make it through the upcoming vacation in Vegas...

Golden Nugget Pool w/Fish Tank Waterslide


  1. That's "Shark Tank" aka "The Coolest Thing in Vegas" aka "A waterslide through a fucking shark tank."

    It's not a "Fish Tank"

  2. Fish...shark...they are all the same to me. I fear no sea creature.

  3. So, I saw your frustration with down dog from a long time ago, and I don't know if you're still having it, but here are some ideas:

    you can make your hands into fists while doing it to keep your wrists straight during the pose (or you can have your entire forearms on the ground)

    healthy wrist extension is 70 degrees, not 90, so see what you can do to not go beyond that if your wrists are already not comfortable in this position

    if your calves and/or hamstrings are tight, make sure you're bending your knees and not putting your heels on the ground -- down dog isn't really about stretching your legs, it's more about strengthening your low back, which it sounds like is exactly what you need

    let me know if you have any other yoga issues. come to think of it, I don't know if you know that I'm in the middle of a 10-month yoga teacher training class, so I might have some info that could help...
