Friday, January 8, 2010

The Eye of the Tiger

No, not of the Woods variety. At least not now. Not before he steps forward to redeem himself and to prove, once again, that he is a specimen of of moral and athletic purity.

I'm thinking more of this kind of tie-ger...

A favorite Python bit.

On to day two. I was hoping I'd have time to scarf down a cup of cottage cheese before I took off for work this morning, but all I had time for were a few spoon fulls. I had another salad for lunch, built at work, and realized that I was going to have to make a concerted effort to eat more. After lunch I put together a spreadsheet to help figure out what I would eat for the rest of the day to try to get my calories up...I'm only come up with about 1200 so far. I'm sure I'll end up stoned and will eat something else...

A lot of food--just not a lot of calories. That seems to be a commonality among food that is high in protein and low in carbs/fat.

I'm about ready to get into the plyometrics disc which, I think, is leg lunges and weird moves designed to strengthen your lower body...I hope that's what it is, because my arms and shoulders and stomach are sore from yesterday.

If you're wondering what happened to the tiger...or the leg.

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