Monday, January 11, 2010

One Weekend Gone

How YOU doin'?

Well, it looks like I'm in place and firmly on track 5 days in. I've been able to eat about 1200-1400 calories a day the last couple days and I haven't had an alcoholic beverage since last Wednesday. I think that's probably the first weekend that I've gone without having a drink since...since probably about a decade ago.

It's good to know that I can quit any of my vices whenever I please.

I'm actually a little irritated by how easy it was to quit drinking. It was much easier for me to quit drinking than it was to quit eating pizza. I have little doubt that most rehab organizations would consider me an alcoholic due to my habitual 4-10 daily weekday drinks, so I'd just like to say, "Fuck you," to all of them.

There was no withdrawal, no craving, no nothing.

Sure, I understand that drinking, especially hard spirits, can eventually cause liver failure. I also understand lung cancer and the arguments against smoking.

But really, are we expected to sacrifice immediate pleasure in our younger days just so we can add on a few final, painful, last years to our lives? If I'm going to deprive myself of something fun during the first half of my life, it sure as hell better be in exchange for some wonderful heavenly reward, not an extra 5 years in a fucking nursing home carting around an oxygen tank.

I'll be back on the sauce once I've shed a good amount of this excess padding.

As far as the workout routines go, I haven't been able to make it beyond 30 minutes in any of the hour long programs yet, so I plan on using this week as a sort of introduction until I'm strong enough to complete the full hour.

"When Schwarzenegger entered politics, he referred to the sketches himself, using the phrases "girlie men" and "pump you up." He even used the "girlie men" term during the 1988 Presidential election. Accompanying then Vice President George H.W. Bush he attacked Bush's Democrat opponents by saying to the crowd: “They all look like a bunch of girlie men, right?" He used the phrase again to attack California state legislators in speeches during his election campaign for governor of California.

It really is a physically demanding, strenuous program. Hopefully it will make a big difference in the upcoming hockey season.

I grabbed my Foreman Grill from the parent's house and have started grilling chicken and salmon on it. The 50 protein/30 carb/20 fat diet is a crazy ratio and nearly impossible to maintain without eating two meals with a shitload of protein. That means I'm eating a ton of tuna, salmon, eggs, cheese, and chicken breasts.

As a former vegetarian and person who is generally not crazy about getting meat stuck in his teeth, this is a bizarre diet. My typical diet mainly consists of soup, pizza, sandwiches, or similar foods where the meat is an afterthought to all of the delicious carbs and vegetable matter surrounding it.

I have had to start doing the complete opposite to maintain the appropriate ratios of this diet.

So it goes, on to another day.


  1. I was kind of hoping for weekly pictures, sort of like those people that do time lapses of their pregnant wives, only in reverse. Without pictures, this could be just be a carefully staged farce, like the moon landing and 9/11.

  2. It hasn't even been a week yet, I was planning on a photo update every two weeks.
