Thursday, January 21, 2010

Thursday? What the hell..

Marty McFly: [being chased by Libyan terrorists]
"Let's see if you bastards can do 90."

I try to update this awesome blog at least every other day, so I'm not really sure where time went this week. Anyway, I'm back.

I've continued soldiering on. So far, I've successfully completed the full hour of the DVD routines for this week, with the exception of Plyometrics (too hard/noisy) and Yoga-X (annoyingly repetitive). In fact, I decided to completely abandon p90x's shitty yoga disc after last night. I switched to another yoga DVD I had downloaded while I was partway through the p90x disc. Here are my main problems with the "yoga-x" routine.
  • It lasts 1.5 hours
  • It features doing the "Downward Facing Dog" pose (see image below) a maddening number of times in the first 20-30 minutes. It's not hard or challenging, I just don't need to stretch out my calves 50 fucking times in one sitting.
  • So many times, in fact, that my sensitive right wrist starting hurting like a motherfucker any time we had to do a transition to/from this pose.
  • The instructor, Tony Horton, moves from pose to pose so quickly I don't have time to get set in a good stretch or lunge, even when I know what move is coming.
  • It seems as though they are trying to adapt yoga techniques into a routine that burns a certain number of calories and strains the muscles enough that people feel worn out after finishing. That means a shitload of mind-numbing repetition and a really long, boring routine.

I will not be giving the p90x version another shot. From now on, I'll just substitute/rotate through some of the other yoga DVD's I've downloaded on the days that I should be doing yoga-x. I don't plan on doing more than one hour of yoga in any sitting, either. I'm really turned off to Yoga after my initial experiences within this program.

Why are you making me hate yoga, Tony Horton? What the fuck?

I've been consistently consuming about 1250-1450 calories a day and haven't had a drink in two weeks. I'm thinking that it may be time to work a little whiskey (0 carbs) in on the weekends to help maintain my sanity. It's not like me to go on bitching about something like yoga.

Anyway, it looks like my restrictive eating habits and high protein intake are finally translating into a little weight loss. I didn't breach the 160 lbs line on the scale for the last two days, at varying times during each day, so it looks like I'm down about 3-4 lbs in two weeks. Yeehaw!

I think I made a commitment to taking progress photos every two weeks, and today is the day. I'll probably throw something up tonight.

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